Association of Bay Area GovernmentsABAG 2015 State of the Region Report

Fun with data.

March 4, 2015

what i did

  • design
  • development


  • Google Charts
  • data parsing

This detailed analysis was produced with support from ABAG member towns, cities, and counties and is intended to provide an evaluation of trends and an understanding of current economic conditions in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. The report highlights economic recovery trends in employment, housing and population diversity along with potential future challenges.

I collaborated closely with ABAG and Morphos, Inc. to develop a cohesive theme shared by the printed report and the microsite under a very tight timeline.

The report includes over 75 dynamic Google Charts, tables, interactive infographics and footnotes all in an easily maintainable format. It has subsequently served as a template that ABAG has used internally for additional reports.